Tuesday, April 3, 2012


This is my final week of Motivational Psychology and I have learned so much about myself throughout this class. After writing a paper, doing my forum entries, and my journal entries this week I thought I would share how much this has changed my thinking, beliefs, and my motivation. PCI and this class has showed me alot about myself and my feelings, it has showed me that I am worth what ever I set my mind to. It has showed me that I am worth greatness in my life and all it took was to change my thinking. I used to not think that I could this and often wondered even after I started my classes if I could really be a personal trainer. Well with some positive self-talk, setting some goals, and changing how I think I know I will do this and I will be that personal trainer. If it wasn't for the book Thought Patterns for a Successful Career I am not sure I would make it through school. Now I know I can and will get through school and have a successful career.
So to share a few of my goals with you all so if I start to slack you get me back on board. My long term goal was to have a successful career as a PT. I knew to reach this goal there had to be some smaller goals. The first goal is to weekly get all my work done and make sure I understand the material we have gone over. The next was to pass each class with the best grades I could possibly do and to know that no matter the grade I receive to know I did my best. The next goal is to do my internship and learn as much as I possibly can hands on. One of my biggest goals is to graduate and have my associates degree. I know with a positive self-image and the support of my husband, my family, friends, and all the help PCI gives me all of this is in my future and I can achieve it.

To Learn more about me and my journey you can find me on Facebook or Twitter.

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