Sunday, April 8, 2012

Looking back

To start out with I want to wish everyone a Happy Easter. Today ends my first class and I want to look back at my life and how one class has enlightened me so much. When I enrolled in school I was still very reluctant about it and wasn't sure I could do this. My wonderful husband was here to support no matter how I did, which has helped me out so much. Through this first class I have learned so much and came away from this class with the knowledge of how to change myself for the better as well as how to help others. Who really would of thought that Motivational Psychology could change the way I think and feel? I really wouldn't of thought that. I am more motivated than I have ever been and I know that I have found exactly what I was meant to do. I know now that I can do this and have no doubts in my mind about that. I know without the support of my husband, my kids, my mother, my family, and a few very close friends that this wouldn't have been possible. I'm excited for the months to come and what lies ahead.

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